From the memoirs of Soviet party leader V. A. Medvedev. Analysis of textual historical sources From the resolution of the XIX All-Union Party Conference

To answer the tasks of this part (C1-C6), use a separate sheet or form. First write down the task number (C1, etc.), and then
From the notes of a foreign ambassador to Russia
C5. Name at least two goals of the tsarist government in the First World War. C6.
To answer the tasks of this part (C1-C6), use a separate sheet or form. First write down the task number (C1, etc.), and then
From the notes of E.R. Dashkova
C6. Give at least two examples of reforms in the political system of the USSR during the period of perestroika. OPTION 5
Works of culture and achievements of science
To answer the tasks of this part (C1-C6), use a separate sheet or form. Write down the task number (C1, etc.), and then answer
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For execution exam paper history is given 2 hours (120 minutes). The work consists of 3 parts containing 33 tasks.

Part 1 (A) contains 20 multiple-choice tasks (one correct answer out of four proposed). With their help it is checked a basic level of preparation - knowledge of dates, facts, concepts and terms, characteristic features of historical phenomena, causes and consequences of events; the ability to extract information from a source.

Part 2 (B) consists of 7 tasks of an increased level of difficulty with a short answer in the form of a word, date, combination of letters or numbers.

Part 3 (C) contains tasks of a high level of complexity. Tasks C1-C4 involve analysis of a historical source. Tasks C5-C6 require a detailed answer to a given topic.

Complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. If a task is difficult for you, skip it. You can return to missed tasks if you have time.

One or more points are given for completing tasks of varying complexity. The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as much as possible more tasks and score the most points.

We wish you success!


Part 1

^ When completing multiple-choice tasks (A1-A20), circle the number of the correct answer in the exam paper.

A1. 1700,1709,1714 relate to events

1) Seven Years' War

2) urban uprisings

3) Northern War

4) Russian-Turkish wars

A2. The first set of laws of the Old Russian state, Russian Truth, is associated with the name

1) Vladimir Monomakh

2) Yaroslav the Wise

3) Vladimir Svyatoslavich

4) Svyatoslav Igorevich

A3. The main type of industrial enterprises in Russia XVIII V. were

1) monopolies

2) manufactories

3) factories

4) craft workshops

A4. For what purpose was the congress of Russian princes convened in 1097 in Lyubech?

1) establish a new procedure for collecting tribute

2) accept Russian Truth

3) stop civil strife

4) decide on the introduction of Christianity in Rus'

A5. Read an excerpt from a historical essay and indicate the name of the architect in question.

“In 1754-1762. () created the famous Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, the monumental forms of the facades of which were supposed to reflect the glory and power of the Russian Empire. The architect himself wrote about this in a report to the Senate: “The structure of the stone Winter Palace is being built for all-Russian glory alone.”

1) Aristotle Fioravanti

2) Vasily Bazhenov

3) Matvey Kazakov

4) Bartholomew Rastrelli

A6. Which of the following events happened before all the others?

1) Foreign campaign of the Russian army

2) establishment of military settlements

3) signing of the Peace of Tilsit

4) creation of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire

A7. Which of the Decembrists was a member of the “Southern Society”?

1) P.I. Pestel

2) M.S. Lunin

3) S.P.Trubetskoy

4) N.M. Muravyov

A8. As in the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries. were the peasants who, instead of paying taxes, worked in state-owned and private factories?

1) sessional

2) attributed

3) government

4) specific

A9. Among the reasons that prompted Alexander I at the beginning of his reign to begin developing projects for liberal reforms was the influence

1) ideas of Slavophilism

2) theories of official nationality

3) ideas of the Enlightenment

4) theories of “communal socialism”

A14. What was one of the reasons for the transition to the New Economic Policy (NEP)?

1) Left Socialist Revolutionary rebellion in Moscow

2) failure of the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy

3) the need for accelerated collectivization of agriculture

4) mass dissatisfaction of peasants with surplus appropriation

A10. Read an excerpt from the document and indicate the date of the event in question.

“The noise and screaming was incessant, and frequent shots flew over the head. Finally, the people also began to waver, and many ran over to the rebels, in front of whom non-military people were visible. In a word, it became clear that there was no doubt about the oath the real reason rebellion, but the existence of another major conspiracy was becoming obvious. "Hurray, Constitution!" - was heard and accepted by the mob as a cheer pronounced in honor of the wife of Konstantin Pavlovich! »

1) March 11, 1801

4) in 1944

A12. The event that became the beginning of the first Russian revolution was called

1) “Lena execution”

2) “Going among the people”

3) "Bloody Sunday"

4) “The Great Turning Point”

A13. What were the names of the participants in socialist competition, the leaders of production since the mid-1930s?

1) Stakhanovites

2) chelyusskitsy

3) Petrashevites

4) Nechaevites

A15. Read an excerpt from P. Sorokin’s memoirs and indicate the event to which they are dedicated.

“The tram did not run, and there were no cab drivers, I went on foot to the Petrograd side... The shooting still did not stop, the lights were not on in the streets... On Liteiny I saw raging flames... The faces of laughing, dancing and screaming onlookers looked demonic in the extreme reflections of the flame. Carved wooden images of the Russian double-headed eagle lay here and there, torn from government buildings, and these emblems of the empire flew into the fire as the crowd became excited. The old government disappeared, turning into dust, and no one regretted it.”

1) the beginning of the First World War

3) Kronstadt revolt of 1921

4) creation of the USSR

A16. Flight Yu.A. Gagarin - the first manned flight into space - took place

1) in 1955

4) in 1964

A17. The period of leadership of L.I. Brezhnev (1964-1982) dates back to

1) Cuban Missile Crisis

2) Potsdam Conference

3) participation of the USSR in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe

4) construction of the Berlin Wall

A18. What characterizes the development of Soviet science in the 1960s?

1) successes in space exploration

2) quick implementation scientific achievements into the production of consumer goods

3) liberation of science from ideological control

4) world leadership in the development of computer technologies

A19. The economic transformations of the perestroika period include

1) creation of economic councils

2) nationalization of banks

3) the policy of consolidation of collective and state farms

4) development of the cooperative movement

A20. What was one of the reasons for the resignation of the government of E.T. Gaidar in 1992?

1) dissatisfaction with the policies of E.T. Gaidar on the part of foreign partners

2) speech of the State Emergency Committee

3) conflict between the government and the president in the struggle for power

4) dissatisfaction of the population with the consequences of the “shock therapy” carried out by the government

Part 2

Tasks B1-B7 require an answer in the form of one or two words, a sequence of letters or numbers, which should be written down in the text of the examination paper. The names of Russian sovereigns should be written only in letters (for example: Nicholas II). If the answer requires a date (century), it is written in letters (for example: eighteenth).

IN 1. Place in chronological sequence following events. Provide your answer as a sequence of letter designations for the selected elements.

A) Battle of Poltava B) proclamation of the Russian Empire

C) Copper riot D) Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and the events associated with their activities. For each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second and enter the selected numbers under the corresponding letters in the answer line.

Write down the selected numbers in the table.




AT 3. Which two of the following names are associated with the Crimean War of 1853-1856? Circle the numbers corresponding to the correct answers and write them in the space indicated without additional symbols.

1) M. Skobelev

2) P. Nakhimov

3) P. Bagration

4) D. Davydov

5) V. Kornilov

Answer: ______________________

AT 4. Read an excerpt from the emperor's decree and indicate the name missing from the text.

“Having called on God for help, having thought maturely about a subject so close to Our heart and so important for the State and finding that the existing regulations on the order of succession to the throne from those who have the right to it do not take away the freedom to renounce this right in such circumstances when for this there will be no difficulty in the further inheritance of the Throne... We have determined: firstly, the free renunciation of our first Brother Tsarevich and Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich from the right to the All-Russian Throne to be firm and unchangeable... Secondly, as a result of this, on a precise basis act on the inheritance of the Throne, Our second brother will be Our heir.”

Answer: _________________________

AT 5. Which of the following related to the events of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905? Indicate two correct positions out of five proposed. Circle the numbers corresponding to the correct answers and write them in the space indicated without additional symbols.

1) battles near the lake. Hasan

2) siege of Plevna

3) defense of Port Arthur

4) Tsushima battle

5) defense of Shipka

Answer: __________________________

AT 6. Read an excerpt from an article by R.A. Medvedev and write the name of the period in national history, the onset of which it speaks of.

“After Khrushchev’s removal, the highest party and state apparatus no longer wanted too strong a leader. These people wanted a quieter life... stability in their position and confidence in the future... (They) were quite happy with a weak and benevolent leader who did not have either a strong intellect or a strong will. This thirst for stability and the slogan of “stability” put forward by him completely coincided...”

Answer: ______________________

AT 7. Establish a correspondence between the events of the political history of the USSR in the second half of the 20th century. and their dates. For each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second and enter the selected numbers under the corresponding letters in the answer line.

Write down the selected numbers in the table.




Part 3

^ For answers to tasks in this part (C1-C6), use a separate sheet or form. First write down the number of the task (C1, etc.), and then the answer to it.

Read an excerpt from a historical source and complete tasks C1, C2, C3, C4. Use information from the source as well as knowledge from the history course in your answers.

^ From the memoirs of Soviet party leader V.A. Medvedev

“On June 11... a meeting was held at the CPSU Central Committee on issues of accelerating scientific and technological progress. The report of the [Secretary General] implemented to the maximum extent the developments that were carried out during these years in preparation for the Plenum of the Central Committee.

The meeting deepened the critical analysis of the previous period of development. At the same time, it was clearly discovered that the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, and therefore the socio-economic development of the country, rests on the economic mechanism inherited from the past. Further practice confirmed that even carefully developed extensive programs for the development of science and technology, modernization of domestic mechanical engineering... cannot count on success under the conditions of the old economic mechanism, therefore the center of gravity and attention in the economic sphere began to gradually shift to the development of the economic mechanism. And behind this, the whole chain gradually followed.

Upon in-depth analysis of the problems of improving the economic mechanism, it turned out that it is unthinkable without reforming the entire political system, and this in turn dictates the need to reconsider the role of the party itself.”

C1. Indicate the name of the period of national history to which the memoirs relate.

C2. What is the name of the Secretary General mentioned in the text?

C3. Name at least two characteristic features of the “old economic mechanism” mentioned in the text.

C4. Name at least two economic reforms, transformations aimed at changing the “old economic mechanism”, carried out during the period to which the memories relate.

^ Read the text and complete tasks C5-C6,
relating to the history of the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible.

At the end of the 40s. A circle formed in the circle of Tsar Ivan IV, which Prince A.M. Kurbsky later called the Chosen Rada. The reforms launched by the Elected Rada affected all spheres of life and the state.

C5. Name at least three reforms carried out by the Elected Rada in the 16th century.

C6. Indicate what their historical significance was (give at least two provisions).


Part 1

When completing multiple-choice tasks (A1-A20), circle the number of the correct answer in the exam paper.

A1. Which of the following events occurred later than the others?

1) Battle of Kalka

2) uprising of the Drevlyans

3) the first mention of Moscow in chronicles

4) the campaign of the Novgorod-Seversk prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians

A2. Which of the above refers to the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna?

1) a new chronology has been introduced

2) St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences was opened

3) a Charter was given to the cities

4) Moscow University was opened

A3. What is the “Cathedral Code?”

1) code of civil laws

2) military regulations

3) a set of church laws

4) a set of petitions to the king

A4. Which of the above refers to the results of the campaign of Batu Khan’s troops against Rus' in 1237-1238?

1) capture and defeat of Kyiv

2) the ruin of Veliky Novgorod

3) the beginning of the political fragmentation of Rus'

4) the devastation of the northeastern Russian lands

A5. Read an excerpt from the Senate decree and indicate which of the Russian sovereigns was granted the title named in the document.

“On the 20th day of this October, on the advice of the Senate in common with the spiritual Synod, the intention was accepted, His Majesty, to show his due gratitude for his high mercy and fatherly care and diligence, which he did for the well-being of the state throughout his most glorious reign, and especially during the past Swedish wars, he deigned to bring both the All-Russian state into such a strong and good state, and his people into such glory among the whole world, through his single leadership, he brought... in the name of the entire Russian people, to ask that he deigned to accept... ... from them the title: Father of the Fatherland, Emperor of All Russia.”

1) Peter I

2) Alexey Mikhailovich

3) Paul I

4) Mikhail Romanov

A6. In what series are the years of annexation of state territories named? Central Asia to the Russian Empire?

1) 1809, 1829, 1856

2) 1831, 1848, 1863

3) 1865, 1873, 1876

4) 1892, 1895, 1898

A7. Which of the named persons were partisan heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812?

1) M.I. Kutuzov, M.B. Barclay de Tolly

2) V. Kozhina, G. Kurin

3) P.I. Bagration, A.P. Ermolov

4) N.N. Raevsky, M.I. Platov

A8. What were the names of the participants in the social movement of the 1870-1880s, guided by the theories of M.A. Bakunin, P.L. Lavrov, P.N. Tkachev?

1) social democrats

2) Slavophiles

3) Westerners

4) populists

A9. Which of the following was the result of the judicial reform of 1864?

1) a single court was formed for representatives of all classes

2) landowners lost the right to trial peasants

3) the adversarial nature of the trial is limited

4) jurors were given the functions of lawyers

A10. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of diplomat P.A. Valuev and indicate which war the described facts are related to.

“The final deal apparently took place on the 27th. Bulgaria is narrowed and cut in two. Austria will occupy Herzegovina and Bosnia. Something has been cut from Dobruja or to Dobruja to reward Romania for returning a piece of Bessarabia to us. A certain town goes to Persia. Some large areas are located in Montenegro and Serbia. Kare, Ardahan and Olty remain with us. In addition, Vatum is given to us.

^ Meanwhile, England concluded a special treaty with Turkey on joint defense in case of a new attack from our side and took the island of Cyprus for itself.”

1) Russian-Turkish 1877-1878.

2) Crimean 1853-1856.

3) Russian-Iranian 1804-1805.

4) Russian-Turkish 1806-1812.

A11. The first Russian revolution has begun

1) in 1894

4) in 1914

A12. The first chairman of the Council of People's Commissars was

1) G.V. Plekhanov

2) S.Yu.Witte

3) V.I.Lenin

4) P.A. Stolypin

A13. Associated with the assistance provided to the USSR by the USA and Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War is the concept

1) concession

3) Marshall Plan

4) Lend-Lease

A14. What was one of the consequences of the conclusion of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty in 1918?

1) support for the Bolshevik government from all segments of the population

2) establishment of Soviet power in Finland

3) the break between the Left Socialist Revolutionaries and the Bolsheviks

4) holding elections to the Constituent Assembly

A15. Read an excerpt from a newspaper article dated September 14, 1935 and indicate the name of the movement of which the events described were part.

“The competition between the best miners of Donbass also finds a response at the Gorky Automobile Plant. Blacksmith Busygin set a labor productivity record unprecedented in the history of blacksmithing. Working on forging crankshafts, comrade. Busygin, with a standard of 657 shafts per shift, forged 1001 shafts on September 11, and on September 13 he broke his own record by forging 1005 shafts.”

1) dissidents

2) populists

3) Chelyuskinites

4) Stakhanovites

A16. Article 6 of the USSR Constitution on the leading and guiding role of the CPSU was repealed

1) in 1964

4) in 1993

A17. The liquidation of line ministries and the creation of economic councils dates back to the period of leadership

1) I.V. Stalin

2) N.S. Khrushcheva

3) L.I. Brezhnev

4) M.S. Gorbachev

A18. Which of the following was characteristic of the economic situation in Russia in the early 1990s?

1) growth of external debt

2) reduction in the number of small entrepreneurs

3) the rapid pace of development of the military-industrial complex

4) absence of inflationary processes

A19. The lifting of censorship bans and freedom of the press are characteristic of

1) the first post-war decade

2) the “thaw” period

3) period of “stagnation”

4) perestroika

A20. What was one of the reasons for the start " cold war»?

1) refusal of the USSR to participate in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe

2) contradictions between the USSR and the USA on the issue of the post-war structure of the countries of Eastern Europe

3) input Soviet troops to Afghanistan

4) the USSR’s refusal to help the allies in the war with militaristic Japan

From the memoirs of a politician

“___________, who had actually concentrated government power in his hands, found himself in a particularly difficult position: he could not help but understand that only the measures of severe coercion proposed by Kornilov could perhaps save the army, finally free the government from Soviet dependence and establish internal order in the country. Undoubtedly, liberation from the councils, carried out by someone else’s hands or accomplished as a result of spontaneous events that relieved responsibility from the Provisional Government and ___________, seemed to him to be useful and desirable for the state. But the voluntary acceptance of the measures prescribed by the command would have caused a complete break with revolutionary democracy, which gave [him] name, position and power and which, despite the opposition it offered, nevertheless, oddly enough, served him, albeit shaky, as his only support . On the other hand, the restoration of the power of the military command was not threatened by a reaction - [he] often spoke about this, although hardly seriously
believed in this - but, in any case, by moving the center of influence from socialist to liberal democracy, the collapse of social-revolutionary party politics and the loss of its predominant, perhaps all, influence on the course of events. ...In turn, [he] back on August 13–14 in Moscow, during the days of the State Conference, expected active action from Kornilov’s adherents and took precautions. Several times ____________ raised the issue of removing Kornilov, but, not meeting sympathy for this decision either in the War Ministry or among the government itself, he anxiously awaited the development of events. Back on August 7, the assistant commissioner... warned Kornilov that the issue of his resignation had been finally resolved in Petrograd. Kornilov replied: “Personally, the question of remaining in office is of little interest to me, but I ask that it be brought to the attention of those who need to know that such a measure is unlikely to be useful in the interests of the cause, since it could cause unrest in the army”...

Indicate the year when the events described in the text took place. Indicate the political figure whose last name is missing three times in the text. Name the post that General L.G., mentioned in the passage, occupied during the period of the events described. Kornilov.

Indicate the reason why, in the opinion of the author of the memoirs, the measures proposed by General L.G. Kornilov, could have been beneficial to a politician whose name is omitted from the text. Indicate the reason why, in the author’s opinion, these measures did not suit the political figure whose name is omitted from the text. What, according to L.G. Kornilov, was his resignation dangerous?

The correct answer must contain the following elements: 1) the reason why the measures proposed by L.G. Kornilov, could be beneficial: – these measures were a way to free ourselves from “Soviet dependence” through the “hands” of L.G. Kornilov, which removed responsibility for the reprisal against the Soviets from the Provisional Government and A.F. Kerensky; 2) the reason why the measures proposed by L.G. Kornilov, did not suit A.F. Kerensky: – the implementation of these measures could cause “Kerensky’s complete break with revolutionary democracy, which gave Kerensky his name, position and power and which served him as his only support”; - the restoration of the power of the military command threatened to shift the center of influence from socialist to liberal democracy, the collapse of social-revolutionary party politics and the loss of its predominant, perhaps all, influence on the course of events; 3) answer to question– resignation of L.G. Kornilov could cause unrest in the army
Three answer elements are correct
Any two answer elements are correct
Any one element of the answer is correct. OR The answer is incorrect
Maximum score 2

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment (other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning) Points
The correct answer must contain examples: 1) The Provisional Government was formed only after a meeting of the leaders of the Petrograd Soviet and representatives of the Provisional Committee State Duma which occurred on the night of February 28 to March 1, 1917, and as a result of this agreement; 2) On March 1, the Petrograd Soviet issued “Order No. 1,” which had negative consequences for maintaining discipline in the army, while the Provisional Government was unable to stop its distribution and action; 3) the Provisional Government showed its dependence on the Council in its first document - “Declaration of the Provisional Government on its composition and tasks” dated March 3, 1917, which included a clause on “non-disarmament and non-withdrawal from Petrograd of military units that took part in the revolutionary movement” ; 4) in April 1917, after the publication of the “Milyukov note,” a political crisis erupted, which led to the formation of a new composition of the Provisional Government, in the creation of which the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet took an active part; 5) The Provisional Government tried to rely on the leadership of the Soviets, agreeing to their proposal to convene a Democratic Conference and create a Pre-Parliament in September - October 1917. Other examples can be indicated
Three examples are correct
Two examples are correct
Only one example is correct. OR The answer is incorrect
Maximum score 2

Example 1


Example 2

Practice 3.2.14 Gorbachev

1 What was one of the results of Yu. V. Andropov’s activities as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee?

1) liberalization of social and political life in the country

2) a sharp improvement in relations between the USSR and the USA

3) the emergence of critical assessments of the state of Soviet society emanating from the authorities

4) the beginning of liberal market reforms in the country

2. Which of the following dictated the need for “perestroika” in the USSR?

1) decrease in the growth rate of the country's economy

2) the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe

3) mass protests of workers in Moscow

4) the task of building developed socialism in the USSR

3 was this one of the results of the policy of perestroika in the spiritual sphere?

1) creation of the Union of Writers of the USSR

2) the flourishing of the creativity of “village writers”

3) liberation of the media from censorship

4) persecution of the writer B. L. Pasternak

4 What is one of the results of the political changes of 1988-1990?

1) strengthening the power of the union center

2) strengthening intra-party unity in the CPSU

4) the beginning of the destruction of the one-party regime

5 Which of the following was the main reason for the transition to the policy of perestroika in the mid-1980s?

1) the need to develop the eastern regions of the USSR

2) mass demonstrations of the population

3) economic and political crisis in the country

4) deterioration of relations with socialist countries

6 What was one of the reasons for the failures of the economic policy of the perestroika period in the second half of the 1980s?

1) priority development of light industry to the detriment of heavy industry

2) increasing dependence of the economy on foreign investment

3) preservation of the command and administrative foundations of management

4) growth of economic independence of industrial enterprises

7 What was one of the results of the activities of the XIX All-Union Party Conference in 1988?

1) adoption of the party program, which set the task of creating the material and technical base of communism in the USSR

2) the defeat of the “anti-party group of Malenkov, Molotov, Kaganovich and Shepilov who joined them”

3) the decision to convene the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR

4) adoption of a course to accelerate the socio-economic development of the country

8 What was one of the consequences of the implementation of the concept of “new political thinking” by M. S. Gorbachev?

1) signing of the Treaty Banning Tests of Nuclear Weapons in the Atmosphere, Outer Space and Underwater

2) signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe

3) resolution of the Cuban missile crisis

4) unification of Germany

9 What was the reason for the failure to sign the new union treaty in 1991?

1) creation of the State Committee for the State of Emergency

2) adoption of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation

3) the results of the All-Union referendum on the preservation of the USSR

4) creation of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR

10 The appearance of which of the listed posts is associated with the period of perestroika?

1) First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee

2) Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

3) Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR

4) President of the USSR

11 Establish a correspondence between the names of the leaders of the USSR and the periods of their stay in power.

12Match the correspondence between events and dates. Write down the corresponding numbers in your answer.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


15 What new government body appeared during the perestroika period?

1) State Duma

2) Supreme Council

3) Congress of People's Deputies

4) State Council

16 Which of the documents was adopted during the years of perestroika?

1) Law “On Cooperation in the USSR”

2) resolution “On magazines

3) decree on the transfer of Crimea from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR

17 The course to accelerate socio-economic development at the initial stage of “perestroika” in the USSR assumed

1) intensification of production based on the achievements of scientific and technological revolution

2) strengthening the centralization of economic management

3) transition to market economy

4) transition to seven-year planning

18 Which concept characterizes socio-political life in the Russian Federation in the early 1990s?

1) “thaw”

2) neo-Stalinism

3) “iron curtain”

4) multi-party system

19 The emergence of which concept dates back to the period 1985-1991?

1) “new political thinking”

2) “year of the Great Turning Point”

3) “cosmopolitanism”

4) "discharge"

20 The Law “On Individual Labor Activity” was adopted during the period

1) 1945-1953

2) 1953-1964

3) 1964-1985

4) 1985-1991

21 Which of the following refers to the economic reforms of the “perestroika” period?

1) transition to seven-year planning

2) complete release of prices from state control (price liberalization)

3) recognition of the diversity of forms of ownership

4) creation of national economic councils (economic councils)

22 An attempt to remove USSR President M.S. Gorbachev from power was made in August 1991.

1) Supreme Court of the USSR

2) Supreme Soviet of the USSR

3) President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

4) members of the State Emergency Committee

23 The adoption of which legislative act dates back to 1986?

1) Law on individual labor activity

2) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the dissolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation

3) Constitution of “developed socialism”

3.1 Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to events and phenomena relating to the period 1985-1991.

1) multi-party system

2) budget deficit

3) vertical power

4) monetization of benefits

5) referendum

6) acceleration of socio-economic development

3.2 Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, date back to the period of perestroika in the USSR (1985–1991).

1) people's deputy

2) publicity

3) federal district

4) cooperation

5) national priority projects

6) “new political thinking”

3.3 Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to events (phenomena) of the period of perestroika in the USSR.

1) acceleration

2) “war of laws”

3) federal districts

4) new political thinking

5) referendum

4.1 Write the missing word.

The process of an almost bloodless transition from a socialist socio-political system to a liberal one, which occurred in the late 1980s - early 1990s. in Eastern European countries, it was called the “________________revolution”.

7.1 Which three of these measures were implemented during perestroika? Match the numbers and write them down as your answer.

1) convening the Congress of People's Deputies

2) introduction of state acceptance

3) liquidation of central line ministries and their replacement with economic councils

4) price liberalization

5) adoption of the law on individual labor activity

6) liquidation of the KGB

7.2 Which three proposals for reforming the USSR economy listed below were contained in the “500 days” program? Write down the corresponding numbers in your answer.

1) strengthening and development of planning of economic indicators

2) implementation of the “acceleration policy”

3) privatization of state property

4) decentralization of economic management

5) complete rejection of external borrowings, self-reliance

6) creation of favorable conditions for the development of private entrepreneurship

7.3 Name three government officials who held the post of General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Write down the corresponding numbers in your answer.

1) L. I. Brezhnev

2) M. S. Gorbachev

3) A. N. Kosygin

4) K. E. Voroshilov

5) Yu. V. Andropov

6) G. M. Malenkov

7.4 Which three of the following provisions relate to the policy of “perestroika”? Write down the corresponding numbers in your answer.

1) replacing the surplus appropriation system with a tax in kind

2) strengthening the role of the Soviets in government

3) the fight against “cosmopolitanism”

4) abandonment of the Cold War policy

5) priority development of the military-industrial complex

6) introduction of a multi-party system

7.5 Which three of the listed measures relate to the period of “perestroika”? Write down the corresponding numbers in the table.

1) Adoption of the Law “On Individual Labor Activity”.

2) A course towards privatization of property.

3) Price liberalization.

4) Introduction of brigade and rental contracts.

5) The fight against drunkenness and alcoholism.

7.6 Which of the following applies to the socio-economic development of the USSR during the period of “perestroika”? Choose three answers and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) issuance of privatization checks

2) development of individual labor activity

3) the beginning of the strike movement in the country

4) reduction in prices for consumer goods

5) acute shortage of goods

6) price liberalization

7.7 Which of the following applies to the socio-economic development of the USSR during the period of “perestroika”? Choose three answers and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) the beginning of the strike movement in the country

2) price liberalization

3) development of individual labor activity

4) issuance of privatization checks

5) acute shortage of goods

6) reduction in prices for consumer goods

7.8 Which of the listed provisions characterize the political situation at the end of the 1980s? Choose three answers and enter the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) holding alternative elections

2) the growth of national conflicts on the territory of the USSR

3) strengthening the role of the party in government

4) openness policy

5) reduction of powers of the union republics

6) conducting a campaign to combat cosmopolitanism

7. 9 Which of the listed provisions characterize foreign policy and foreign policy situation USSR in the late 1980s? Choose three answers and enter the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) participation of Soviet specialists in the Vietnam War

2) improving relations with Western countries

3) strengthening the unity of the socialist camp led by the USSR

4) increasing arms race

5) improving relations with China

6) pursuing a policy of “new political thinking”

7.10 Which of the following applies to the period of perestroika in the USSR? Choose three answers and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) expanding the independence of the union republics

2) introduction of alternative elections

3) liquidation of line ministries and creation of economic councils

4) strengthening the role of the KGB in governing the country

5) transfer of state enterprises to self-financing and self-financing

6) carrying out voucher privatization

9.1 Establish a correspondence between the reforms and the names of the leaders of the USSR during whose reign these reforms were carried out.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


9.3 Establish a correspondence between the events of national history and the names of the leaders of the USSR, during whose leadership these events occurred: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second column.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


9.5 Establish a correspondence between the events of national history and the names of the leaders of the USSR, during whose leadership these events occurred: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second column.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


10.1 Read an excerpt from the document and identify its author.

“Speaking to you for the last time as President of the USSR, I consider it necessary to express my assessment of the path traveled since 1985. Moreover, there are many contradictory, superficial and biased judgments on this matter. Fate decreed that when I found myself at the head of the state, it was already clear that something was wrong with the country... I understood that starting reforms of such a scale and in a society like ours was a very difficult and even risky undertaking. But even today I am convinced of the historical correctness of the democratic reforms that began in the spring of 1985. The process of renewal of the country and fundamental changes in the world community turned out to be much more complex than one might have expected. However, what has been done must be appreciated. Society gained freedom and became liberated politically and spiritually. And this is the most important achievement, which we have not yet fully realized, but because we have not yet learned to use freedom.”

10.2 Read an excerpt from the speech of the leader of the country and indicate the name of the author.

“...In the modern situation, the rights of the unions must be comprehended and brought into line with the radical economic reform

republics Apparently, it is advisable that, having fulfilled their obligations to the union fund, they could increase production for their own needs through skillful, proactive management. This would also meet the requirements of social justice in the development of national relations and stimulate our common movement forward. In recent years, in the process of democratization and openness, problems have also been highlighted whose existence has not always been sufficiently taken into account - for example, issues related to language, culture, literature and art, historical monuments, and nature conservation.

The development of our multinational state is naturally accompanied by the growth of national self-awareness. This phenomenon is positive, but since new needs arising in connection with it

Due attention was not always paid, some issues began to become more complicated, and in some cases acquired a nationalist overtones.”

10.3 Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a contemporary of the events and name the figure whose name is missing from the text.

“It, of course, has all its roots in the past of our country, in the centralized system of party and state power. Hence, his first steps as General Secretary of the Central Committee were to restore order in production, strengthen state discipline, which had been thoroughly shaken under Brezhnev, and fight corruption and bribery.<...>

He was a resolute defender of Marxism-Leninism, which, unlike Brezhnev, he knew not from quotes specially selected by referents, but from primary sources. In the days of the centenary of the death of Karl Marx, he prepared and published an interesting, in my opinion, work on the fate of democracy, where he for the first time raised the problem of self-government in society, which had been thoroughly forgotten by our communists<...>In fact, it came from a deep understanding that order in society can only be durable when it is based on truly democratic institutions<...>

I have no doubt that if fate had let go... a few more years of life, we would not have had any catastrophic evasions, no bloody ethnic conflicts, no widespread weakening of state power...”

10.4 Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a contemporary of the events and name a political figure whose name is missing from the text.

“Feeling that he was fading away, [he] heroically continued to fight for life, worked until his last days, believing that his duty to the party was to do everything he could. But this struggle was complicated by the fact that he was in an atmosphere of stunning callousness, which was shown to him by the overwhelming majority of members of the Politburo (...) He sent a note to the Politburo regarding issues of preparation for the 27th Party Congress, and it received unanimous approval. [He] proposed to bring the convening of the congress closer in time, to hold it in October-November 1985, and not in the spring of next year, as was usually the case.”

10.5 Read an excerpt from the work of a modern politician and indicate the name of the leader of the USSR in question:

“... Like many citizens of the USSR, for the first time after ___________’s appointment to the highest government post in the USSR, I treated him with admiration. The appearance of a relatively young, energetic man in the post of General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, which before him was occupied by frail old men who were out of breath while reading long reports, could not but arouse hopes and sympathy for ___________. He talked about creating new federation, about the democratization of all our lives. Therefore, the impression of his speeches was not spoiled either by his southern Russian pronunciation, or by the fact that, like other Soviet rulers, he could not, for example, pronounce the word “Azerbaijan”, but said “Azebarzhan”. But that was just the first impression. After a few months, I became more critical of ________.”

10.6 Read an excerpt from the statement and indicate the name of its author.

“Due to the current situation with the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, I am ceasing my activities as President of the USSR. I am making this decision for reasons of principle.

I firmly stood for independence, independence of peoples, for the sovereignty of republics. But at the same time also for preserving the integrity of the country as a union state.

Events took a different path. The prevailing line was to dismember the country and disunite the state, with which I cannot agree.”

11.1 Fill in the blank cells of the table using the data provided in the list below. For each lettered cell, select the number of the desired element.

Missing elements:

1) disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

2) shooting of a workers’ demonstration in Novocherkassk

4) establishment of the post of President of the USSR

5) testing of the first Soviet nuclear bomb

6) J.V. Stalin

7) L. I. Brezhnev

8) M. S. Gorbachev

11.2Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each lettered blank, select the number of the required element.

Missing elements:

2) “On the cult of personality and its consequences”

3) L. I. Brezhnev

5) “Notes of a Socialist Revolutionary”

6) M. S. Gorbachev

7) “The Unknown War: Eastern Front”

9) “The year of the great turning point”

Missing elements:

1) Yu. V. Andropov

2) construction of a wall to stop the flight of citizens to a neighboring state

3) severance of diplomatic relations with the USSR

4) termination of the existence of the state

5) Afghanistan

6) J.V. Stalin

7) Hungary

8) Czechoslovakia

9) L. I. Brezhnev

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


12.1Read an excerpt from the report of the head of the Communist Party of the USSR.


We, the members of the Central Committee, have been entrusted with the greatest responsibility by the XXVII Party Congress - to ensure the implementation of a strategic course to accelerate the socio-economic development of the country. This is exactly how the Politburo understands the situation and the role of the Central Committee at the current stage of the life of Soviet society.

Based on this, an issue has been brought up for discussion at the Plenum that is of paramount importance for the successful implementation of the political strategy developed by the April Plenum of the Central Committee and the XXVII Congress of the CPSU - the issue of perestroika and personnel policy of the party. We must consider it from a broad socio-political perspective, taking into account the lessons of the past, the nature of the current moment and challenges for the future.”

Using the passage, choose three correct statements from the list given.

1) The leader of the party who made this report is M. S. Gorbachev.

2) At the congress in question, the head of the party made a report on the cult of personality of J.V. Stalin.

3) The report refers to the “thaw” period.

4) The performance dates back to the 1980s.

5) The result of the congress was the adoption of the Program for Building Communism in 20 Years.

6) Before the congress and during the congress, a “personnel revolution” was carried out in the party - many former leaders left their posts.

12.2Read an excerpt from the memoirs.

“On June 11... a meeting was held at the CPSU Central Committee on issues of accelerating scientific and technical progress. The report of the [Secretary General] implemented to the maximum extent the developments that were carried out during these years in preparation for the Plenum of the Central Committee.

The meeting deepened the critical analysis of the previous period of development. At the same time, it was clearly discovered that the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, and therefore social

economic development of the country rests on the economic mechanism inherited from the past. Further practice has confirmed that even carefully developed extensive programs for the development of science and technology and the modernization of domestic mechanical engineering<...>cannot count on success under the old economic mechanism, so the center of gravity and attention in the economic sphere began to constantly shift to the development of the economic mechanism. And behind this, the whole chain gradually followed.

Upon in-depth analysis of the problems of improving the economic mechanism, it turned out that it is unthinkable without reforming the entire political system, and this, in turn, dictates the need to reconsider the role of the party itself.”

Using the passage and your knowledge of history, choose three true statements from the list given.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) The General Secretary referred to in the text is Yu. V. Andropov.

2) Memories date back to the 1980s.

3) The period to which the memories relate is called the “thaw” in literature.

5) One of the transformations carried out in the same period to which the memoirs relate was the adoption of the law on individual labor activity.

6) During the period to which the memoirs relate, the “Constitution of Developed Socialism” was adopted in the USSR.

Which judgments about this image are correct? Choose two judgments from the five proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) This postage stamp was issued in the 1980s.

2) The head of the USSR at the time of issue of this stamp was L.I. Brezhnev.

3) The beginning of the Kosygin reform dates back to the same decade to which the creation of this brand dates.

4) The slogans placed on the stamp call for a transition to a market economy.

5) One of the slogans on the stamp emphasizes the connection between the period to which the stamp belongs and the events of 1917.

19Which of the posters shown are from the same period as the stamp pictured above? In your answer, write down the two numbers under which they are indicated.

18Look at the image and complete the task

Which judgments associated with this image are correct?

Choose two judgments from the five proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) During the Olympics, the symbols of which are shown in the image, the Soviet Union was led by N. S. Khrushchev.

2) The Olympics, the symbols of which are shown in the image, became the second Olympics held on the territory of the USSR.

3) This image shows the symbols of the Winter Olympic Games held in Moscow.

4) The US team did not take part in the Olympics, the symbols of which are shown in the image.

5) The USSR boycotted the next Olympic Games, which were held in the USA after the Moscow Olympics.

19Which of the photographs below depict cultural figures who were most popular during the preparation and holding of the Olympic Games, the symbols of which are presented above? In your answer, write down the two numbers under which they are indicated.

20What problems was the party’s strategic course aimed at solving? When did the events mentioned in the resolution take place? Who was the political leader of the country at that time?

21What directions of the internal policy of the CPSU and the state are named in the resolution? Specify any four directions

22What are the results of the implementation of the party’s strategic course under consideration? Using historical knowledge, indicate at least two reasons that led to such results.

From the resolution of the XIX All-Union Party Conference

“The 19th All-Union Party Conference... states: the strategic course developed by the party at the April Plenum of the Central Committee and the 27th Party Congress for a comprehensive and revolutionary renewal of Soviet society and the acceleration of its socio-economic development is being steadily implemented. The country's slide into economic and socio-political crisis has been stopped...

The process of improving the country's economy and its turn towards meeting the urgent needs of people has begun. New management methods are gaining momentum. In accordance with the Law on State Enterprises (Associations), associations and enterprises are being transferred to self-financing and self-sufficiency. The Law on Cooperation was developed, widely discussed and adopted. New ones come into life, progressive forms in-production labor relations on a contract and rental basis, as well as individual work activity. A restructuring of organizational management structures is underway, aimed at creating favorable conditions for the effective management of the primary links of the economy.

The work launched at the initiative of the party made it possible to resume the growth of real incomes of workers. Practical measures are being implemented to increase the production of food and consumer goods and expand housing construction. Education and health reforms are being implemented. Spiritual life becomes a powerful factor in the progress of the country. Significant work has been done to rethink the modern realities of world development, update and add dynamism to foreign policy. Thus, perestroika is entering deeper and deeper into the life of Soviet society and has an ever-increasing transformative effect on it.”

20. Indicate the name of the period of national history to which the memoirs relate. What is the name of the Secretary General mentioned in the text?

21 Name at least three characteristics of the “old economic mechanism” mentioned in the text.

22Name at least three economic reforms, transformations aimed at changing the “old economic mechanism” and carried out during the period to which the memories relate.

Read an excerpt from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3. Answers involve the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge from the history course of the relevant period.

From the memoirs of Soviet party leader V. A. Medvedev.

“On June 11... a meeting was held at the CPSU Central Committee on issues of accelerating scientific and technological progress. The report of the [Secretary General] implemented to the maximum extent the developments that were carried out during these years in preparation for the Plenum of the Central Committee.

The meeting deepened the critical analysis of the previous period of development. At the same time, it was clearly discovered that the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, and therefore the socio-economic development of the country, rests on the economic mechanism inherited from the past. Further practice confirmed that even carefully developed extensive programs for the development of science and technology, the modernization of domestic mechanical engineering ... cannot count on success under the conditions of the old economic mechanism, therefore the center of gravity and attention in the economic sphere began to constantly switch to the development of the economic mechanism. And behind this, the whole chain gradually followed.

Upon in-depth analysis of the problems of improving the economic mechanism, it turned out that it is unthinkable without reforming the entire political system, and this, in turn, dictates the need to reconsider the role of the party itself.”

23.1 Historians note that the activities of Yu. V. Andropov during his short tenure as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee were generally greeted by the people with sympathy and hope. State the reason for this attitude. How did conservatism manifest itself in the activities of Yu. V. Andropov (give one point)? Explain why, after the death of Yu. V. Andropov, the elderly and terminally ill K. U. Chernenko was elected General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

23.2After coming to power in 1985, M.S. Gorbachev in the international sphere, the USSR began to pursue a policy of “new political thinking.” Western countries enthusiastically accepted the change in Soviet foreign policy

country, and in 1990 M.S. Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. However, now many experts evaluate the foreign policy activities of M.S. Gorbachev critically. Give at least three explanations for this assessment.

24.1 In historical science, there are debatable problems on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view existing in historical science.

“Internal political development of the Soviet state in the second half of the 1980s. left opportunities for preserving the USSR.” Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can confirm this point of view, and two arguments that can refute it.

Write your answer in the following form.

Arguments in support:

Refutation arguments.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in History

Read an excerpt from the memoirs and indicate the name of the leader of the USSR during the period when the events described occurred.

“Finally, there is a political and organizational issue. Our troops will enter Czechoslovakia, and then what? After all, troops enter the country without the consent of the government and the leadership of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. To expect that the current leadership of the country and the Communist Party of Human Rights will have a positive attitude towards this action is more than political naivety. Who can we rely on within the country? The question is also completely unclear, moreover, it is simply dark.”

Answer - Brezhnev

Read an excerpt from the resolution of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee and indicate the last name missing twice in the text.

“Taking into account also what was submitted by T. _________ statement, the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee decides:

Satisfy the request of t.__________ on his release from the duties of First Secretary, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR due to his advanced age and deteriorating health.

Recognize that it is inappropriate in the future to combine in one person the responsibilities of the First Secretary of the Central Committee and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.”

Answer - Khrushchev

Read an excerpt from the memoirs and indicate the last name missing twice in the text.

«__________ and his immediate circle did not even want to think about parting with

power. They convinced themselves and others that leaving _________ would upset the established balance and undermine stability. In a word, again “irreplaceable,” although half-living.

I remember how at one of the Politburo meetings the chairman lost the semantic thread of the discussion. Everyone pretended that nothing had happened. Although all this left a grave impression. After the meeting, I shared my experiences with Andropov.

- You know, Mikhail,” he repeated almost word for word what he had told me before, “everything must be done to support the General Secretary in this situation too. This is a question of stability in the party, the state, and a question of international stability.”

Answer - Brezhnev

Read an excerpt from the CPSU Program and indicate the name of the leader of the USSR during the adoption of this program.

“...As a result of the second decade (1971-1980), the material and technical base of communism will be created, providing an abundance of material and cultural benefits for the entire population; Soviet society will come close to implementing the principle of distribution according to needs, and there will be a gradual transition to a single national property. Thus, a communist society will basically be built in the USSR...”

Answer - Khrushchev

Read the passage from the Declaration and identify the name of the government missing from the passage.


The Temporary Committee of the State Duma appoints the following persons as ministers of the first public cabinet...

In its present activities, the cabinet will be guided by the following principles:

1) Complete and immediate amnesty for all political and religious cases, including: terrorist attacks, military uprisings and agrarian crimes, etc.

2) Freedom of speech, press, unions, assembly and strikes, with the extension of political freedoms to military personnel within...

____________ the government considers it its duty to add that it is by no means

“does not intend to take advantage of military circumstances for any delay in implementing the above reforms and measures.”

Answer - Temporary

Read an excerpt from the article and indicate the name of the leader of the USSR during the period when this article was written.

“The past is vital for today, for solving the problems of perestroika. The objective demand of life is “More socialism!” - obliges us to figure out what we did yesterday and how we did it. What should you give up, what should you take with you? What principles and values ​​should be considered truly socialist? And if today we look at our history with a critical eye, it is only because we want to better, more fully imagine the paths to the future.”

Answer - Gorbachev

Read an excerpt from the speech of the leader of the USSR and indicate the last name missing twice in the text.

“In France and the USA, according to reports from our representative offices abroad and the foreign press, a new work _____________ is being published - “The Gulag Archipelago.” Comrade told me. Suslov that the Secretariat decided to launch work in our press to expose the writings of ________________ and bourgeois propaganda in connection with the publication of this book. So far, no one has read this book, but its contents are already known. This is a crude anti-Soviet libel. In this regard, we need to consult today on what to do next.”

Answer - Solzhenitsyn

Read an excerpt from the speech of the leader of the USSR and indicate the name of this leader of the USSR.

“Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters!

Soldiers of our army and navy!

I am addressing you, my friends! Treacherous military attack Hitler's Germany to our Motherland, which began on June 22, continues. Despite the heroic resistance of the Red Army, despite the fact that the enemy’s best divisions and the best units of his aviation have already been defeated and have found their grave on the battlefield, the enemy continues to push forward, throwing new forces to the front. Hitler’s troops managed to capture Lithuania, a significant part of Latvia, the western part of Belarus, and part of Western Ukraine.”

Answer - Stalin

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a politician and indicate the name that is missing twice in the excerpt.

“President of the USSR Gorbachev and Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR ________ , and

On August 2, the chairmen of the Councils of Ministers of the USSR and the RSFSR, Ryzhkov and Silaev, signed a document on a joint policy in the field of economic salvation of the country. Before September 1, a program of specific actions between the center and Russia must be developed. It will be based on Yeltsin’s proposals and the experience of a number of union republics. For the first time, a political order was born, signed by both Gorbachev and ________ ».

Answer - Yeltsin

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a political figure and indicate the name of the period in the history of the USSR when the events described took place.

“From the very day when the party conference, which met for the first time in the last 50 years, opened, irreversible changes began in the life of the party. These were changes that shook the country and the whole world. People understood that without proper order in the country, everything achieved could be lost and the state itself could be destroyed. Not everyone, however, understood the leadership's intentions. I didn’t understand everything either. I started with M.S. several times. Gorbachev had a conversation on this topic, but he only once said:

- Wait, maybe I’ll do something else.”

The answer is perestroika

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a political figure and indicate the name of the leader of the USSR during the period when the events described took place.

“It was decided to base the reform on the restructuring of the primary level of the enterprise as a socialist commodity producer. Therefore, along with the preparation of the Plenum, government structures began work on the draft Law on Enterprise. This work was headed by one of the experienced practical economists, P. Katsura, who was recruited by N. Ryzhkov to work at the Council of Ministers from the post of Deputy General Director of VAZ.”

Answer - Gorbachev

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a politician and indicate the name of the party representatives missing three times in the text.

“... We left unknown where and why, breaking with the Council, mixing ourselves with elements of counter-revolution, discrediting and humiliating ourselves in the eyes of the masses, undermining the entire future of our organization and our principles. This is not enough: we left with our hands completely untied _________ , making them complete masters of the entire situation, ceding to them the entire arena of the revolution.

The struggle at the congress for a united democratic front could have been successful. By leaving the congress, leaving ________ with only the left Socialist-Revolutionary guys and a weak group of “Novozhiznists,” we with our own hands gave away the monopoly to __________ over the Soviet, over the masses, over the revolution. By our own unreasonable will, we ensured the victory of the entire “line” of Lenin...”

The answer is the Bolsheviks

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a politician and indicate the word missing from the text.

“...The party talked about the pace at which the nationalization of trade unions should proceed, while the question was about daily bread, about fuel, about raw materials for industry. The party feverishly argued about the “school of communism,” while in essence the matter was about an economic catastrophe looming close at hand. The uprisings in Kronstadt and the Tambov province burst into the discussion as a final warning.

Lenin formulated the first, very cautious theses about the transition to _________ economic policy. I immediately joined them. For me they were only a renewal of the proposals that I made a year ago. The dispute about trade unions immediately lost all meaning.”

The answer is new

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a politician and indicate the sovereign mentioned in the text.

“...The situation by this time was far from calming... Even in the afternoon, telegrams were received from the capital, in one of which the Chairman of the State Duma M.V. Rodzianko informed General Ruzsky that, in view of the removal of the entire former Council of Ministers from administration, government power passed into the hands of the Provisional Committee of State Duma Members, which, after all, had been formed on its own. Then information was received from Headquarters that an uprising had begun in Moscow and its garrison was going over to the side of the rebels; that the unrest had spread to Kronstadt, and that the commander Baltic Fleet found it impossible to protest against the recognition by the fleet of the above-mentioned Provisional Committee of the State Duma,

General Ruzsky was supposed to report all this data to the sovereign upon his arrival in Pskov.”

Answer - Nikolay II

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a contemporary of the events and indicate the word missing from the text.

“...Peasant uprisings broke out in Oryol and Bryansk villages adjacent to large forests. The peasants attacked the communists, took their horses and cattle away from the collective farms, and set fire to collective farm warehouses and offices. In other regions - in Siberia, on the Volga, in the Kuban - these uprisings took on enormous proportions and armed character. The Bolshevik government realized the serious danger of these massive and widespread peasant uprisings and retreated before the pressure of the peasants.

After, according to Soviet press reports, the majority of peasants in the Soviet Union had already been collectivized, suddenly an article by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party appeared in the newspaper of the Central Committee of the Party, in Pravda, on March 1, 1930

I.V. Stalin under the curious title “__________from success.” The article was devoted to collectivization...”

Answer: Dizziness

Read an excerpt from the memoirs and write the name of the state capital that is missing twice in the text.

“The decision about the troops was made three weeks ago. The landing forces began to cross under ___________ even a week before the coup at the request of Amin himself (!), who apparently decided that he could not resist otherwise (!). However, he did not take into account that the troops were being sent for the exact opposite purpose. And now a full division has moved across the border, which up to ___________ (through the mountains) will go on for a whole week (this is about the issue of “border security”!).

This is how politics is done on behalf of the party and the people. And no one objected - neither the members of the Politburo, nor the secretaries of the Central Committee, nor, of course, the republics, nor even the apparatus. I think that in the history of Russia, even under Stalin, there has never been a period when such important actions were taken without the slightest hint of agreement with anyone, advice, discussion, weighing - albeit in a very narrow circle.”

Answer - Kabul

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a politician and write the name of the Soviet party and state leader, missing twice in the text.

“... went down to the podium and began to speak. Nobody gave anyone a word. He ended with the words: “The Plenum is an emergency and we must now resolve one issue - the election of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Please speak out on this issue." And he went to his usual place next to Ustinov.

Without a pause, Chernenko stood up and went down to the podium. Spoke for 7-10 minutes. I whispered to Bovin: “Konstantin Ustinovich’s speech turned out to be more expressive than Yu.V.” He told me: “That’s what Shishlin and Blatov wrote to this one, but his assistants couldn’t cope with this one, they didn’t take them into account.”

But in both speeches there is no longer cultism, there are no obvious sycophantic exaggerations, there are inflated estimates dictated by political considerations. And this is natural. When Chernenko “on behalf of the Politburo” named the candidate, a long ovation broke out, which came in waves, then subsiding, then flaring up.”

Answer - Andropov

Read an excerpt from the information report and write the name of the leader of the country during the period of the events described.

“In the Tver district, where dispossession is generally carried out correctly, there are isolated cases when the middle peasant was affected during dispossession, and some kulaks remained untouched. Houses and hay were taken away from workers who had property in the village. Small household items were taken from the kulaks: watches, lamps, blankets and other “junk.”

In the Kimry district in the Fominsky and Perlovsky districts, all the little things were taken away from the kulaks, even mushrooms; everything was divided among collective farms and individual farms, but at the same time the kulaks were not registered and no one knew where they went. The undispossessed kulaks quietly sold off their property.”

Answer - Stalin

Read an excerpt from the resolution adopted at the international conference and write the name of the People's Commissar for foreign affairs RSFSR during its implementation.

"1. The Allied creditor states represented in Genoa cannot assume any obligations regarding the claims made by the Soviet Government.

2. In view, however, of Russia's difficult economic situation, creditor states are inclined to reduce Russia's military debt to them by a percentage, the size of which must be determined later. The nations represented in Genoa are inclined to consider not only the question of deferring the payment of current interest, but also the deferment of payment of a portion of the expired or overdue interest.

3. However, it must be finally established that no exceptions can be made to the Soviet government...”

Answer - Chicherin

Read an excerpt from the decree and write the name of the chairman of the Soviet government at the time of its publication.

“...The church is separated from the state.

Within the Republic, it is prohibited to make any local laws or regulations that would restrict or restrict freedom of conscience, or establish any advantages or privileges on the basis of the religious affiliation of citizens.

Every citizen can profess any religion or not profess any. All legal deprivations associated with the confession of any faith or non-profession of any faith are cancelled...”

Answer - Lenin

Read an excerpt from the report of the leader of the USSR and write the name of the statesman missing from the text.

“After the villainous murder of __________, mass repressions and gross violations of socialist legality began. On the evening of December 1... on the initiative of Stalin (without a decision of the Politburo - this was formalized by a poll only 2 days later), the following resolution was signed by the Secretary of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee, Enukidze:

1) Investigative authorities - to conduct cases of those accused of preparing or committing terrorist acts in an expedited manner;

2) The judicial authorities should not delay the execution of capital sentences due to requests for pardon from criminals of this category, since the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR does not consider it possible to accept such requests for consideration."

Answer - Kirov

Read an excerpt from the report of a USSR statesman and write his name.

“From the resolution of the Central Committee it is clear that the most serious mistake of the Zvezda magazine is to provide its pages for the literary “creativity” of Zoshchenko and Akhmatova. I think that I do not need to quote Zoshchenko’s “work” “The Adventures of a Monkey” here. Apparently, you all read it and know it better than I do. The meaning of this “work” by Zoshchenko is that he portrays Soviet people as slackers and freaks, stupid and primitive people. Zoshchenko is not at all interested in the work of Soviet people, their efforts and heroism, their high social and moral qualities. This topic is always missing from him. Zoshchenko, as a tradesman and vulgar man, chose as his constant theme digging into the most base and petty aspects of everyday life. This delving into the little things of everyday life is not accidental. It is characteristic of all vulgar philistine writers, of which Zoshchenko is one.”

Answer - Zhdanov

Read an excerpt from the message of the US President and write the name of the leader of the USSR to whom it is addressed.

“I think you recognize that the first step that began the current chain of events was the action of your government, expressed in the secret supply of offensive weapons to Cuba. We will discuss this issue in the Security Council. In the meantime, I am concerned that we both exercise prudence and do nothing that would allow events to make it even more difficult than they already are to keep the situation under control.”

Answer - Khrushchev

“As you know, intense work has been going on recently on the draft of a new Union Treaty. Today I sent a letter to the heads of delegations authorized by the Supreme Soviets of the republics with a proposal to open the agreement for signing on August 20 of this year.

So, we are entering a decisive stage in the transformation of our multinational state into a democratic federation of equal Soviet sovereign republics. What does the conclusion of a new Union Treaty mean for the life of the country? First of all, this is the implementation of the will of the people expressed in the referendum on March 17. The Treaty envisages the transformation of the Union on the basis of continuity and renewal."

Answer - Gorbachev

Read an excerpt from the TASS statement and write the abbreviation of the name of the military alliance, which included the states mentioned in the text during the period of the events described.

“Further aggravation of the situation in Czechoslovakia affects the vital interests of the Soviet Union and other socialist countries, the security interests of the states of the socialist community. The threat to the socialist system of Czechoslovakia is at the same time a threat to the foundations of the European world.

The Soviet government and the governments of the allied countries - the People's Republic of Bulgaria, the Hungarian People's Republic, the German Democratic Republic, the Polish People's Republic, based on the principles of indissoluble friendship and cooperation and in accordance with existing treaty obligations, decided to meet the aforementioned request for assistance to the fraternal Czechoslovak people needed help...

Soviet military units, together with military units of the named allied countries, entered the territory of Czechoslovakia on August 21.”

Answer - OVD

Read an excerpt from the Note of the Prosecutor General of the USSR and write the name of the city that is missing in the text.

“On the eve of the events, Central Radio and the press announced an increase in retail prices for meat and dairy products in the country from June 1, 1962. It coincided with the measures taken by the administration of the Budyonny Electric Locomotive Plant to reduce prices for workers' wages. All this served as the reason for a spontaneous strike on June 1, 1962 of the plant workers, which resulted in a rally of many thousands.

On the morning of June 2... a mass of thousands of people, including women and children,... headed in a column to the city of _________ to express their demands and release

persons detained at the city police station the day before in the area of ​​the electric locomotive plant. In order to prevent the movement of the column, on the instructions of Pliev, the commander of the tank unit of the local garrison, Colonel Mikheev, by the morning of June 2, concentrated subordinate personnel with 9-10 tanks and several armored personnel carriers on the bridge over the Tuzlov River. The people who arrived at the bridge ignored the demand of the unit command to stop the procession and moved further into the city.”

Answer - Novocherkassk

Read an excerpt from the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and write the name of the leader of the country during the period of its publication.

“In order to ensure correct and calm management of the economy on the basis of more free disposal of the farmer with the products of his labor and his own economic means, to strengthen the peasant economy and raise its productivity, as well as for the purpose of accurately establishing the state obligations falling on farmers, appropriation as a method of state food procurement, raw materials and fodder, is replaced by a tax in kind.”

Answer - Lenin

Read an excerpt from the historian’s memoirs and write capital of the state mentioned in the text.

“A group of demonstrators moved towards the radio building, which was protected by state security forces. The assault on the building began, during which the first shots were fired. The building was eventually captured... There were casualties on both sides. Another, even larger crowd, went to destroy the monument to Stalin, which was cut off with an autogenous gun and thrown off the pedestal. All that was left of the “Leader of the Nations” were boots. Around the same time, the seizure of weapons and ammunition began at police stations, including at the cartridge factory. After eight o'clock in the evening, the USSR Ambassador to [the country where the events took place] Yu.V. Andropov conveyed to the military the government’s request to bring part of the Special Corps troops into [the country’s capital] to “maintain order.” And the Special Corps moved to [the capital."

Answer - Budapest

Read an excerpt from open letter public figure and write the name of the leader of the USSR during the period of the events described.

“Military operations in Afghanistan have been going on for seven months. Thousands of Soviet people and tens of thousands of Afghans were killed and injured - not only partisans, but mainly civilians - old people, women, children, peasants and townspeople.

More than a million Afghans have become refugees. Particularly ominous are reports of the bombing of villages providing assistance to partisans, and the mining of mountain roads, which creates the threat of famine for entire regions.

Inside the USSR, the ruinous super-militarization of the country is intensifying (especially destructive in conditions of economic difficulties), vital reforms in the economic, economic and social fields are not being implemented, and the dangerous role of repressive bodies, which can get out of control, is increasing.”

Answer - Brezhnev

Read an excerpt from the speech of the leader of the USSR and write his name.

“The Soviet Union... put forward, as is known, a program for building a nuclear-free world. Its implementation into real negotiating positions has already yielded material results. Tomorrow marks the first anniversary of the signing of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. It is with even greater satisfaction that I say that the implementation of this agreement - the destruction of missiles - is proceeding normally, in an atmosphere of trust and efficiency.”

Answer - Gorbachev

Read an excerpt from the memoirs and write the author's last name.

“I saw not only the uselessness, but also the harm of combining posts, and I even said: “Imagine my situation, I criticized Stalin for combining in one person two such responsible posts in the state and in the party, and now I myself...” I endure this question for the historians to judge. My weakness took its toll, or maybe an inner worm was eating at me, weakening my resistance. Even before I became Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Bulganin made a proposal to appoint me as First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Moreover, in the Presidium of the Central Committee, military issues, the army, and weapons related to my diocese. This happened without publication in the press and was decided purely internally, in case of war. The highest command staff within the armed forces was notified about this.”

Answer - Khrushchev

“Until now I have not dared to publish my notes about Rasputin. I did not want to touch on those events that were fatally connected with the reign of the martyred Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II. To avoid severe disappointments and mistakes in the future, it is necessary to know the mistakes of the past: to know the truth of yesterday. As a close witness to some of the events of this yesterday, I want to tell you everything I saw and heard about them. For the sake of this, I decided to overcome in myself that painful feeling that rises in my soul upon close contact with the past, especially when remembering its terrible denouement in the basement of the Ipatiev House. When Rasputin stood like a black shadow near the throne, all of Russia was indignant. The best representatives of the highest clergy raised their voices to defend the Church and the Motherland from the encroachments of this criminal rogue. Those closest to the Royal Family begged the Tsar and the Empress to remove Rasputin.

Everything was to no avail. His dark influence became more and more strengthened, and along with this, discontent in the country grew more and more, penetrating even into the most remote corners of Russia, where the common people sensed with a sure instinct that something was wrong at the heights of power.

And therefore, when Rasputin was killed, his death was greeted with universal rejoicing.”


Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a Soviet military leader and indicate to which offensive operation of the Soviet troops the events described relate.

“Immediately connecting with Moscow, I called I.V. Stalin. He was at the dacha. The general on duty answered the phone and said:

Stalin had just gone to bed.

Please wake him up. The matter is urgent and cannot wait until morning.

Very soon I.V. Stalin answered the phone. I reported the message received about... the appearance of Krebs and the decision to entrust negotiations with him to General V.D. Sokolovsky. I asked him for instructions.

Tell Sokolovsky,” said the Supreme Commander, “to conduct no negotiations other than unconditional surrender, either with Krebs or with other Nazis.” If there is nothing extraordinary, don’t call until the morning, I want to rest a little. Today we have the May Day Parade.”

Berlin Berlin

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a contemporary of the events and name the writer whose name is missing from the text.

“I must express my opinion about Doctor Zhivago. After the book was published abroad, it was criticized here. The environment in which this was done cannot be called normal. The criticism itself looked like some kind of strong-willed action, an administrative shout at the author, without any serious discussion of the novel, without finding out the readers’ opinions...

My opinion is that Doctor Zhivago is not the best work... I do not consider this novel to be flawless, although I do not undertake to judge its artistic merits and demerits. However, the attempt to cut off this great artist’s words from the collective of Soviet writers and apply ostracism tactics against him was completely unjustified.”

Parsnips Parsnips

Read an excerpt from the message of the US President addressed to the leader of the USSR, and give the name of this leader.

“Dear Mr. Chairman... You will agree to remove these weapons [missiles] from Cuba under appropriate UN supervision and supervision and commit... to cease further delivery of such weapons to Cuba.

We, for our part, will agree... a) to quickly lift the quarantine measures currently applied, and b) to give assurances that there will be no invasion of Cuba..."


Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a contemporary and indicate what event is being discussed.

“My sister, who stayed with her husband in Moscow, came to us and brought the news that all the authorities had already left Moscow. ...After the battle, our troops also left the city. Almost all the residents followed them. Then our departure from the Moscow region was decided, and we headed to Kolomna. We could not stay in Kolomna, both because there was nowhere to live, and because French marauders also showed up between Bronnitsy and Kolomna. Upon receiving news of the Moscow fires, my father decided to go to Tambov.”

Patriotic War

Read an excerpt from a politician's speech on

“We have lost faith that power can lead us to victory. I warned that the poisonous seed of suspicion was already bearing abundant fruit, that rumors of treason were spreading from one end to another of the Russian land. is necessary to organize the rear for a successful struggle, but the authorities continue to insist that organizing [the rear] means organizing a revolution, that this is stupidity or treason?”


Read an excerpt from the memoirs and indicate the author's last name.

“In 1939, the Soviet government, fulfilling its obligation of March 12, 1936, provided the Mongolian People's Republic with military assistance in the defeat of Japanese troops who invaded the territory of the friendly Mongolian People's Republic... From May to September 15, 1939 on On the territory of the MPR, fierce battles took place between Soviet-Mongolian and Japanese-Manchurian troops.

On the Japanese side, the Japanese 6th Army, formed from selected Japanese occupation troops of the Kwantung Army located in China, took part in the military aggression.

From the Soviet and Mongol troops At the beginning of hostilities, separate units of the Mongolian People's Army took part, supported by units of the 57th Special Corps of the Red Army, stationed on the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic.

The general offensive operation to encircle and completely defeat the Japanese 6th Army was carried out by the 1st Army Group, deployed on the basis of the 57th Special Corps, with the assistance of a group of troops of the MPR.

The Japanese government entrusted the implementation of its aggressive plans - an invasion of the Mongolian People's Republic - to the Kwantung Army. In order to disguise the true goals of the invasion of the Mongolian People's Republic, the Japanese government decided to present the act of aggression to the world community as a border conflict.

To make its version more convincing, the Japanese government decided not to immediately introduce large forces at the beginning of hostilities, but began the invasion with special detachments, increasing their strength as the hostilities progressed. This meant: in the event of unfavorable circumstances that may arise as a result of the entry of the Red Army into the cause, stop the aggression that has begun and retreat to one’s territory.

The reason for the outbreak of hostilities and the so-called “border conflict” was the Japanese government’s claim to the territory of the Mongolian People’s Republic...”


Read an excerpt from the letter and indicate the author's last name:

“On the question of the expulsion of Mensheviks, People’s Socialists, Cadets and the like from Russia, I would like to ask a few questions in view of the fact that this operation, which began before my leave, has not been completed and Now. Decisively “eradicate” all the Popular Socialists? Peshekhonov, Myakotin, Gornfeld? Petrishcheva and others. In my opinion, expel everyone. More harmful than any Socialist-Revolutionary, because he is more dexterous. The same A.N. Potresov, Izgoev and all the employees of The Economist (Ozerov and many, many others). Men[nypevi]ki: Rozanov (doctor, cunning), Vigdorchik (Migulo or something like that), Lyubov Nikolaevna] Radchenko and her young daughter (from hearsay the worst enemies of Bolshevism); ON THE. Rozhkov (we need to send him away, he’s incorrigible); S.L. Frank (author of "Methodology"). A commission under the supervision of Mantsev, Messing and others should submit lists, and several hundred such gentlemen should be sent abroad mercilessly. We will cleanse Russia for a long time. I really need to think about Lezhnev (formerly Den): should I expel him? Will always be the most insidious, as far as I can judge from reading his articles. Ozerov, like all the employees of The Economist, are the most merciless enemies. Get them all out of Russia. This must be done immediately. By the end of the Socialist Revolutionary process, not later. Arrest several hundred and without announcing a motive - leave, gentlemen! All authors of the “House of Writers”, St. Petersburg “Mysl”; Search Kharkov, we don’t know it, it’s “abroad” for us. It must be cleaned up quickly, no later than the end of the Socialist Revolutionary process.”


Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a Soviet commander and indicate the author of the memoirs.

“I immediately reported to the People’s Commissar and I.V. Stalin received what M.A. conveyed. Purkaev. I.V. Stalin said:

- Come with the People's Commissar to the Kremlin.

Taking with him the draft directive to the troops, together with the People's Commissar and Lieutenant General N.F. Vatutin we went to the Kremlin. On the way, we agreed at all costs to achieve a decision to bring troops to combat readiness.

I.V. Stalin met us alone. He was clearly concerned.

- Did the German generals plant this defector in order to provoke a conflict? - he asked.

- No, answered S.K. Tymoshenko. - We believe that the defector is telling the truth.

Meanwhile, in the office of I.V. Stalin included members of the Politburo.

- What do we do? - asked I.V. Stalin.

There was no answer.

- It is necessary to immediately give a directive to the troops to bring all troops in the border districts to full combat readiness,” said the People’s Commissar.

- Read! - answered I.V. Stalin.

I have read the draft directive."


Read an excerpt from a speech at a meeting of the State Duma and indicate the name of the author.

“Gentlemen, members of the State Duma. It is with a heavy feeling that I enter this podium today. You remember the circumstances under which the Duma met more than a year ago, on July 10, 1915. The Duma was impressed by our military failures. She found the reason for these failures in the shortcomings of military supplies and pointed out the reason for the lack in the behavior of the Minister of War Sukhomlinov.

You remember that the country at that moment, under the impression of the formidable danger that had become obvious to everyone, demanded the unification of popular forces and the creation of a ministry of people in whom the country could trust. And you remember that then from this pulpit even Minister Goremykin admitted “that the course of the war requires a huge, extraordinary upsurge of spirit and strength.” You remember that the authorities then made concessions. The ministers hated by society were then removed before the convening of the Duma. Sukhomlinov, whom the country considered a traitor, was removed (voice on the left: “He is”). And in response to the demands of the people’s representatives at the meeting on July 28, Polivanov announced to us, with general applause, as you remember, that an investigative commission had been created and the beginning had been made of bringing the former Minister of War to trial.”


Read an excerpt from a poem by V. Mayakovsky and name the event in question.

A company swells at the square behind the company,

Veins bulge on the forehead of an angry woman.

“Wait, let’s wipe the checkers on the silk cocotte,

Let’s wipe out in the boulevards of Vienna!”

The newspaper men were screaming: “Buy an evening dress!

Italy! Germany! Austria!"

And from the night, darkly outlined by the mob,

crimson blood flowed and flowed.

War1914World War I

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky and indicate what battle we are talking about.

“On the morning of February 1, a firestorm hit the enemy positions. From our observation post we could see how the entire front line of its defense was drowned in the explosions of shells and mines. Aircraft bombed artillery positions in the depths of the defense. The cannonade roared for a long time. Finally she quieted down. And immediately in many places white flags fluttered over the still smoking black earth. They appeared spontaneously, against the will of the German command, and therefore it turned out that in one area the Germans surrendered, throwing away their weapons, and in another they continued to fight. In some places the battle continued for another day. Only on the morning of February 2, the remnants of the encircled northern group began to surrender en masse, and again this happened against the will of the fascist command. The encircled enemy group ceased to exist.”


Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Marshal G.K. Zhukov and name the city near which the events described by the author took place.

“Communication with the mainland could only be carried out through Lake Ladoga and by air, under the cover of our aviation. Bombings and barbaric artillery shelling of the city began. Fascist troops pressed from all sides. A particularly large group of enemy tank and motorized formations was concentrated on the approaches to Uritsk, Pulkovo Heights and Slutsk. Everything indicated that the enemy was preparing for a decisive assault. The situation became more tense day by day.”


Read an excerpt from the document and name its author.

“A heavy burden has been laid upon me by the will of my brother,

who gave me the imperial all-Russian throne in a time of unprecedented war and popular unrest

Therefore, calling on God’s blessing, I ask all citizens of the Russian state to submit to the Provisional Government, which arose at the initiative of the State Duma and is vested with full power, until the Constituent Assembly is convened as soon as possible on the basis of universal, direct, equal and secret suffrage by its decision about the form of government will express the will of the people.”

Mikhail Alexandrovich

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a contemporary of the events and name the figure whose name is missing from the text.

“It, of course, has all its roots in the past of our country, in the centralized system of party and state power. Hence, his first steps as General Secretary of the Central Committee were to restore order in production, strengthen state discipline, which was fundamentally shaken under Brezhnev, fight corruption and bribery, and he was a resolute defender of Marxism-Leninism, which, unlike Brezhnev, he knew not from quotes specially selected by referents , but according to primary sources. In the days of the centenary of the death of Karl Marx, he prepared and published an interesting, in my opinion, work on the fate of democracy, where he for the first time raised the problem of self-government in society, which had been thoroughly forgotten by our communists. In fact, this came from a deep understanding that order in society can be lasting only when it is based on truly democratic institutions. I have no doubt that if fate had let go... a few more years of life, we would not have had any catastrophic reversals, no bloody ethnic conflicts, no widespread weakening of state power...”

Constantly remembering that Denikin “failed to cope with the territory,” the commander-in-chief and A.V., who was invited by him to the post of head of government. Krivoshein believed that the Bolsheviks could be overthrown not by a “march on Moscow”, not by the “conquest of Russia”, but by “creating, at least on a piece of Russian land, such an order and such living conditions that would attract all the thoughts and strength of the people groaning under the red yoke "

Indicate the year when the events mentioned in the source took place? Give the name of the general whose name is missing from the text. What is the main task set for themselves by the leaders of the white movement in the period described?


2) P.N. Wrangel:

3) main task: to achieve the support of the peasantry.

C1 No. 2694. Read an excerpt from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3. Answers involve the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge from the history course of the relevant period.

<...>I will remind you only of a few of many things, because of the reproaches that you wrote to me. I have already answered with all truth: now I will remind you of a few of the many. Remember what was said in the book of Job: “I have walked around the earth and am walking through the universe”: so are you and priest Sylvester and Alexei Adashev. and with all your relatives you wanted to see the whole Russian land under your feet, but God will give power to whoever he wants.... You not only did not want to obey me and obey me, but you yourself owned me, seized my power and ruled as you wanted , and I was removed from power: in words I was a sovereign, but in reality I owned nothing... And why did you separate me from my wife? If you had not taken my young wife away from me, there would have been no Crown victims. And if you say that after that I could not bear it and did not maintain purity, then we are all human... Why did you want to put Prince Vladimir on the throne and destroy me and my children? Did I steal the throne or seize it through war and bloodshed? By God's will, from birth I was destined for the kingdom: and I no longer remember how my father blessed me for the state: I grew up on the royal throne. And why on earth should Prince Vladimir be a sovereign? He is the son of the fourth efficient prince. What merits does he have, what hereditary rights does he have to be a sovereign, besides your treason and his stupidity? What is my fault before him?


The correct answer should indicate:

2) addressee - Andrey Kurbsky:

3) period - 1560-1570s.

C1 No. 3208. Read a passage from a historical source and briefly answer the questions. Answers involve the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge from the history course of the relevant period.

From the memoirs of Soviet party leader V.A. Medvedev

"June 11<...>A meeting was held at the CPSU Central Committee on issues of accelerating scientific and technological progress. The report of the [Secretary General] implemented to the maximum extent the developments that were carried out during these years in preparation for the Plenum of the Central Committee.

The meeting deepened the critical analysis of the previous period of development. At the same time, it was clearly discovered that the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, and therefore the socio-economic development of the country, rests on the economic mechanism inherited from the past. Further practice has confirmed that even carefully developed extensive programs for the development of science and technology and the modernization of domestic mechanical engineering<...>cannot count on success under the old economic mechanism, so the center of gravity and attention in the economic sphere began to constantly shift to the development of the economic mechanism. And behind this, the whole chain gradually followed.

Upon in-depth analysis of the problems of improving the economic mechanism, it turned out that it is unthinkable without reforming the entire political system, and this, in turn, dictates the need to reconsider the role of the party itself.”

Indicate the name of the period of national history to which the memoirs relate. What is the name of the Secretary General mentioned in the text? Indicate the years of his leadership.


1) period - perestroika;

2) surname of the Secretary General - M.S. Gorbachev;

3) years of his leadership - 1985-1991.

C1 No. 3248. From the memoirs of a statesman

“By the end of the day on February 27, all of Petrograd was in the hands of the rebel troops. The former state machine stopped working.<...>In the Duma, by that time we had established a central body to exercise control over the actions of the troops and the rebels. At times the element of the crowd took on such a powerful scale that it seemed that it was about to overwhelm us all, but little by little its pressure subsided, giving us a few minutes of respite. From the outside, the Tauride Palace looked more like a military camp than a legislative body.<...>We were forced to wait until nightfall, when the crowds of people had dispersed and the halls and corridors were empty. Silence fell, and endless discussions, conferences, and passionate debates began in the rooms of the Provisional Committee. There, in the silence of the night, we began to create the contours of a new Russia.<...>

Blessed is the man who gets to experience the fateful turning years in world history, for he gets the opportunity to look deep into the history of mankind, to witness how the world, the old world, is destroyed, and a new one arises.

<...>That was the historical moment that gave birth to [the new Russia], which took the place of Russia, desecrated and polluted by Rasputin and the monarchy hated by everyone. Unpopular officials were literally swept away from their posts, many of them were killed and wounded. Workers at the factories, having stopped work, began to eliminate managers and engineers they did not like, transporting them in wheelbarrows outside the enterprises. In some areas, peasants<...>They began to solve the agrarian question in their own way, expelling the landowners and seizing their lands.<...>After three years during the war, the soldiers, tired to the limit at the front, refused to obey their officers and continue the war with the enemy.”

What event is the document talking about? What year does it belong to? What were the two major new authorities that emerged at the start of this event?


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

February Revolution (overthrow of the monarchy);

Year - 1917;


Provisional Government (Provisional Committee of the State Duma);

Petrosovet (Petrograd Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies).

Search for historical informationC2 No. 35. What directions of the internal policy of the CPSU and the state are named in the resolution? Specify any four directions.

Show text


The following directions may be indicated:

1. Introduction effective methods management;

2) increasing real incomes of workers;

3) increasing the production of consumer goods;

4) expansion of housing construction;

5) education and health reforms.

Other directions may be indicated.

C2 No. 74. Based on the text and knowledge of history, indicate at least three reasons for Russia's participation in this war.

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The following reasons can be given:

Russia's defense of fraternal Serbia

Russia's defense of its interests in the Balkans

Russia's desire to establish control over the Black Sea straits

Russia's fulfillment of its allied duty to France

The government's desire to support the shaky authority of the tsarist government

Show text


M. T. Loris-Melikov proposes to create temporary preparatory commissions for the development of bills

Both the preparatory and general commissions were supposed to have a legislative advisory nature.

C2 No. 173. Why was preference given to the Romanovs? Provide at least three arguments.

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It may be stated that the choice of the Romanov dynasty was due to:

The Romanovs suited all classes and political groups to the greatest extent, which made it possible to achieve a reconciliation of interests

The Romanovs are a noble boyar family connected by family ties with the Rurikovich dynasty

The Romanovs enjoyed considerable popularity, including among the Cossacks

C2 No. 212. What features, specific features were inherent in the process described in the text in the USSR? Indicate at least three traits or features.

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The following features and characteristics can be named:

The accelerated nature of industrialization

The great role of enthusiasm and socialist competition

Party control of industrialization

Initially low level technical equipment of construction sites, a large role of manual labor

High level of industrial injuries caused by neglect of safety precautions at high-impact construction sites

Use of forced labor (labor of Gulag prisoners)

Industrialization occurred due to the transfer of funds and labor from the village

C2 No. 251. What event is the document talking about? What were its reasons? (Give at least three reasons.)

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We are talking about calling the Varangians to Rus'; - the reasons for calling the Varangians to Rus' were that “clan rose against clan”; 0 strife and strife began; - they were looking for a prince who ruled and judged by right.

C2 No. 290. Using the text of the document and your knowledge of history, indicate what points of view exist in historical science on this issue, and reveal the content of each of them.

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In historical science there are two points of view:

1) the Norman theory of the formation of the Old Russian state (created by German scientists in the 18th century); supporters of the Norman theory attributed the creation of the Old Russian state to the Varangians;

2) the state in Rus' arose as a result of the natural process of development of ancient Russian society, the Varangians were called to reign when the Slavs had the foundations of statehood. (Other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)

C2 No. 329. What disadvantages of preserving the community, communal land ownership, does the author of the report mention and can you point out? List at least four shortcomings in total.

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The following disadvantages can be mentioned:

Predatory exploitation of land by peasants, leading to crop failures;

Lack of opportunity for peasants to plan the development of their farms in conditions of constant changes in the size of their plots and the quality of the land;

The anti-property sentiments of the peasants threatened social peace and pushed them to violent actions against private owners;

The lack of freedom of peasants, the low level of their entrepreneurial activity due to attachment to the community;

The mass of communal land located outside the market hindered the attempts of enterprising peasants to create a large-scale farm by purchasing land;

In a community setting, enterprising peasants had to help their accomplices, which took away funds for the development of their own farms

C2 No. 368. Based on the text and knowledge of history, indicate the objectives of the named military operation. Give at least three provisions.

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The following tasks of the Tarutino march maneuver can be indicated:

Protect strategically important regions of the country (cover Kaluga, where military supplies were concentrated, and Tula with weapons factories);

Ensure the reinforcement and supply of the Russian army (camp in Tarutino)

C2 No. 407. Based on the text and knowledge of history, indicate at least four tasks that this emperor set for himself in domestic politics.

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The following tasks of the reign can be named:

Preservation of autocracy;

Revision of the policy of the previous reign, adjustment of the reforms carried out by Alexander II;

Restoration of the class principle, patronage of the nobility;

Russification policy, restriction of the rights of national borderlands;

The fight against the revolutionary movement and liberals.

C2 No. 446. Using the text of the document and knowledge from the history course, name what was undertaken by the Empress to “return to the rules of Peter the Great.” Specify at least three provisions.

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The following provisions may be specified:

Liquidation of the Cabinet of Ministers;

Establishment of the Imperial Council;

Restoring the role of the Senate;

Re-establishment of the boards, the Chief Magistrate;

The focus is on the army and navy;

Restoring the quantitative composition of the Russian army.

C2 No. 485. Name at least three characteristic features of the “old economic mechanism” mentioned in the text.

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The following characteristic features of the “old economic mechanism” can be named:

Lack of private ownership of the means of production;

The planned nature of the economy;

Command (bureaucratic) methods of economic management;

Lack of material interest of workers in the results of their work;

Mismanagement, irrational consumption of resources;

State control over pricing;

State monopoly on foreign trade.

Other characteristic features may be mentioned.

C2 No. 524. Using the text of the document and knowledge of history, note what reforms were carried out by Catherine II (indicate at least four reforms).

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The following reforms can be mentioned:

Senate Reform;

Secularization of church properties;

Elimination of the hetmanate in Ukraine;

Provincial reform;

Urban reform;

Expansion of noble privileges;

Financial reform;

Introduction of freedom of enterprise.

C2 No. 563. Based on the text and knowledge of history, indicate at least three reasons for the event described in the text.

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The following reasons for the February Revolution can be named:

Unresolved agrarian issue;

Unresolved work issue;

Unresolved national issue;

Contradictions between the tsarist regime and the opposition on issues of the political structure of Russia;

Defeats and losses during the First World War;

The fatigue of the army, the reluctance of the soldiers to continue the war;

Unpopularity of the government;

C2 No. 602. What event is the document talking about? What caused it? Provide at least three reasons.

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It may be indicated that we are talking about the calling of the Varangians; the reasons for their calling to Rus' were that:

- “generation after generation rose”;

Strife and strife began;

This prompted the search for a prince who would own and judge by right

C2 #641 Based on the text and knowledge of history, state at least three reasons for winning the given battle.

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The following reasons for victory can be given:

Unparalleled courage and sacrifice, mass heroism of Soviet soldiers and officers;

Active assistance to the front from the civilian population;

Transfer of fresh divisions from the Far East;

Resistance to the enemy in the occupied territories, development of the partisan movement;

Actions of G.K. Zhukov and other Soviet military leaders in organizing resistance to the enemy and counter-offensive;

A harsh winter, which prevented the enemy from taking full advantage of their technical advantage (which also created problems for the defenders);

Receipt of the first Lend-Lease equipment into the Red Army

C2 No. 680. “A difficult meeting of the Council at the University. (...) On the agenda was already “Rector of the University” instead of “Rector of the Imperial University.” The new building continues to be occupied by police, arrestees, etc. There is a quarter of an arshin of dirt on the floor, all the benches and tables are also covered with dirt... The newly formed student organizations meet in the Theological Auditorium: “Student House” and “Council of Student Deputies” . All this is done by “grabbing rights”. University authorities are powerless. The position of the Council is the most humiliating. It was decided to meet halfway, to form a general committee of professors, junior teachers and students to resolve various similar issues... At the current meeting, I. I. Ivanov shined, eloquently proving that concessions to students will lead nowhere, that they have seized power. “We didn’t break the Tsar,” he concluded, “in order to fall under the tyranny of the crowd.” We then walked to Prechistensky Boulevard, where along its upper passage we saw the movement of a demonstration on the occasion of the celebration of the revolution. The longest crowd moved, carrying red banners with different inscriptions. Something like a religious procession, only incomparably longer. The crowd sang in shrill voices, “Rise up, rise up, working people!” On the streets, boys selling leaflets shouted: “Crimes of Nicholas II!”

What sentiments of university professors does the text reflect? Please indicate at least three items.

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University professors watched the events in the country with alarm. They were worried about the situation of anarchy, the danger of establishing mob rule, stopping classes, and the dirt in the classrooms.

C2 No. 719. What merits of Boris Godunov are noted in the document? List at least four provisions.

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– Invited foreign officials to serve;

– sent young boyars abroad;

– invited students from England and France;

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The following transformations can be specified:

– return of the constitution to the Kingdom of Poland;

– amnesty for political exiles;

– liberation of serfs;

– give the right to freely purchase land;

– easing censorship.

Other wording of the answer may be given.

C2 No. 953. Based on the text and knowledge of history, give at least four reforms and actions (“concessions”) that the author of the letter was forced to agree to.

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The following measures can be mentioned:

Establishment of the legislative State Duma;

Providing the population with basic civil rights and freedoms;

Reducing working hours and increasing wages for workers;

Easing censorship;

Cancellation of redemption payments;

The right to create political parties.

C2 No. 992. Using the text of the document and knowledge from the history course, name at least four reasons for Russia’s defeat.

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The following reasons for Russia's defeat in the war can be named:

Economic backwardness of Russia;

Lack of steam fleet;

Lack of shells;

Poor infrastructure did not allow shells to be delivered to the battlefield in a timely manner.

C2 No. 1031. Using the text, list at least three promises the king made to the people.

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The following promises may be specified:

1) the appointment of worthy people instead of Pleshcheev and Tikhonovich;

2) abolition of the enhanced salt tax;

3) Morozov’s resignation from the post of State Councilor, if the people please.

Promises may be indicated in other, similar formulations.

C2 #1070 Using the text, identify at least three policy issues highlighted by the speaker.

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The correct answer may include:

1) loss of trust in authorities;

2) failure of attempts at political reforms;

3) frequent change of government ministers, personal and political

quality of ministers;

4) ineffective management;

5) suspicions of treason against the Tsar and Tsarina.

C2 No. 1110. What was the historical figure accused of (give at least 3 accusations)?

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The correct answer must include the following charges:

1) interference in all government affairs;

2) causing economic damage to the state;

3) theft and export of public funds abroad.

C2 No. 1149. Using the text, indicate the main principles of the political reform approved by this document.

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The following principles may be specified:

1) granting civil liberties;

2) creation of the highest body of people's representation;

3) vesting the Duma with legislative powers.

The principles may be indicated in other, similar formulations.

C2 No. 1189. What phenomena characteristic of this period does the document indicate? Name at least two phenomena. Using the text of the document and knowledge of history, indicate the reasons for these phenomena (at least two reasons).

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1. The following phenomena can be named:

Outflow of population from Kievan Rus;

Desolation of the cities of Kievan Rus;

Colonization of the northwestern and northeastern Russian lands.

2. The reasons for these phenomena can be named:

Kyiv's loss of its historical role due to the movement of main trade routes;

The decline in the role of the “route from the Varangians to the Greeks”;

Constant civil strife caused by the struggle for the “Kiev table”;

Nomadic raids weakened the Kyiv land.

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The correct answer must contain the following elements.

1) The following estimate is given:

2) Explanations given:

The emperor's measures to resolve the peasant issue;

Improving the welfare of the people;

The emperor's love for the phenomena of Russian folk culture;

Construction railways;

Refusal to resolve international disputes by military means;

C2 No. 1439. “The Tsar’s Majesty has already indicated, by the personal decree of his great sovereign, written by His Majesty’s own hand, that the brigadier and life guard captain, Mr. Prince Trubetskoy, over the local and other magistrates should be declared chief president, and that he should be in charge of all merchant people in court and reported their affairs to the Senate.

The citizens belong to the magistrate, and the two guilds consist of the following: bankers (who give money for bills), noble merchants who have large trades and who trade in many different goods in the ranks, city doctors, pharmacists, healers, shippers of merchant ships, goldsmiths , silversmiths, icon makers, painters, tailors, shoemakers, blacksmiths, carpenters, joiners, woodworkers, turners and the like, of which the first guild or first-class ones consist, and from other vile citizenship the privileges and advantages are cancelled; like bankers, noble merchants who have large trades abroad and who trade various goods in rows, city doctors, pharmacists, healers, shippers of merchant ships, goldsmiths, silversmiths, icon painters, painters. In the second guild, which sell small goods and all sorts of food supplies...

And by this definition, each art and craft has its own special tsunfts (guilds) or meetings of craft people, and over them there are aldermans (or elders) according to the majesty of the city and according to the number of artists...

Since the magistrate, as the head and superior of the entire citizenry, his position consists of judging citizens, keeping the police under his supervision, collecting the income due from them, and giving them according to decrees, where the chamber board will determine, establishing the entire economy (or house-building) of the city, such as merchants, all crafts, art, etc., and to fix all sorts of needs, and what belongs to civil benefit, necessary proposals to the chief magistrate: for this reason, magistrates should not be subordinate to governors and voivodes in that As for the city court and economy, neither a civilian nor a military commander should call a citizen to his court (office); but such a (philistine) should be punished in the magistrate’s office, and according to civil rights, a court should be sought against him from the civil authorities. Likewise, no commandant should have apartments in cities of his own free will, but this should be done as announced in Chapter 12. And if one of the magistrates in the service entrusted to him shows meticulous zeal, and at all times maintains himself honestly: His Royal Majesty is allowed to beat such people, who, according to their merits, can be awarded the nobility.”

What new forms of association of citizens did this decree introduce? Please provide at least two forms. What were the incentives for serving in the city government?

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The following forms of association of citizens can be named:

The townspeople were divided on a professional basis into workshops and guilds.

Service in the city government was encouraged by the opportunity to receive the title of nobility.

C2 No. 1478. “The Central Committee states that in recent years, on the basis of significant successes in socialist construction, great quantitative and qualitative growth in literature and art has been achieved.

Several years ago, when there was still a significant influence of alien elements in literature, especially revived in the first years of the NEP, and the cadres of proletarian literature were still weak, the party did its best to help create and strengthen special proletarian organizations in the field of literature and... art for the purpose of strengthening the positions of proletarian writers and artists.

At present, when the cadres of proletarian literature and art have already grown up, new writers and artists have emerged from factories, factories, collective farms, the framework of existing proletarian literary and artistic organizations (VOAPP, RAPP, RAMP (3), etc.) is already becoming narrow and slow down serious progress artistic creativity. This circumstance creates the danger of these organizations transforming from a means of the greatest mobilization of Soviet writers and artists around the tasks of socialist construction into a means of cultivating circle isolation, separation from the political tasks of our time and from significant groups of writers and artists who sympathize with socialist construction.